Children of God

Shadab Mohammad
2 min readOct 16, 2023

I almost never, post anything personal or political on Medium to maintain the decorum of my blog as a platform for technology related discourse. However, seeing the recent world events, and a relatable personal trauma has given me the courage for the first time speak-up on this platform. Please know that this post isn’t about politics, choosing sides, or deciding who’s right or wrong.

Last week, me and my wife spend six agonizing hours in the Emergency Department of a Children’s Hospital where our daughter was being treated for a critical condition. While sitting next to her, and the nurses monitoring her vital signs, I found myself browsing through Youtube and seeing the harrowing images of the Israel-Gaza conflict.

It’s impossible not to be overwhelmed by sadness, when you realize that your child has access to some of the world’s best medical care, while elsewhere another parent is grieving over the unbearable loss of their child or witnessing their child suffering or starving. Witnessing this unending cycle of violence and the tragic loss of human life leaves one feeling utterly hopeless.

My intention isn’t to pick sides or get into the intricate historical aspects of this situation. We tend to pick sides based on an Us vs Them narrative and thereby dehumanizing the other side. Instead, I want to make a heartfelt plea to all of us, regardless of our beliefs and backgrounds. It’s our collective responsibility to rise above hatred and vengeance, work together to create a future where the well-being of every child is safe guarded and cherished in every piece of land everywhere. We hope and pray for peace, and for an immediate end to all hostilities.

“We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other’s children.” — Jimmy Carter

P.S: My daughter is back home safe and sound. And I wish and pray the same for everyone’s children everywhere.

❤️ #Peace #Prayers #Israel #Palestine ❤️



Cloud Solutions Architect@Oracle (The statements and opinions expressed here are my own & do not necessarily represent those of my employer)